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Flandreau School District 50-3


Welcome to Flandreau Public Schools!
Rick Weber
Rick Weber

Our goal throughout the year is to make Flandreau Public Schools an outstanding educational institution where we empower all students to become learners and leaders in a diverse and dynamic world. Have a great school year!

Superintendent Rick Weber

On behalf of the Flandreau Public School’s board of education, administration and faculty, I would like to welcome everyone to the Flandreau Public School District’s website. As the school year progresses, I encourage the parents/guardians to contact your child’s teachers, counselors and staff.  Each member of our dedicated staff is here to support your child’s education.  Please use these staff members as a valuable resource. As we are one of the few schools that contain elementary, middle and high schools under one roof, Flandreau Public Schools have one of the top facilities in the state!

If you have any questions during the school year, please do not hesitate to call the appropriate school at the numbers listed below:
Elementary School = 997-2780
Middle School = 997-2705
High School = 997-2455
Superintendent’s Office = 997-3263